Tranquil Sleep Cranio Cervical Massage + Reflexotherapy Relaxing Feet Massage

Tranquil Sleep Cranio Cervical Massage + Reflexotherapy Relaxing Feet Massage

50 mins – 170 RON

Get rid of migraines, insomnia and muscle contractions in the cervical area with this therapy which includes special maneuvers of muscle relaxation, stretching and acupressure. A massage of the cervical area, shoulders, arms and scalp that eliminates headaches, stress and insomnia. A therapy that improves the functions of all organs by stimulating the nerve centers in the soles. This procedure detoxifies, eliminates stress and chronic fatigue and induces a deep state of relaxation. Recommended in series of at least 6 sessions for maximum benefits.

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Tranquil Sleep Cranio Cervical Massage + Reflexotherapy Relaxing Feet Massage